Where Sustainability Leaders Discuss & Share Solutions

Organised and run by BusinessGreen, The Sustainability Leaders Club is an exclusive network of senior leaders in the UK's green economy. Our members are drawn from large organisations making the transition to net zero and nature positive practices, in both the public and private sectors. 

We host regular meet-ups at top venues across London to discuss key trends and share practical insights. 

The Sustainability Leaders Club aims to introduce members to like-minded professionals addressing the same challenges, enable them to share experiences and find practical solutions through discussion. 

Each event is invitation only for up to 12 delegates.

Our round table discussions are a fantastic opportunity for sustainability leaders to learn from each other as they address key climate change issues and to take away real life solutions to put in action.

Become a Member of the BusinessGreen Sustainability Leaders Club

Complete the form on the right to apply for your membership

Being a member of the Sustainability Leaders Club and attending our events shows that you're a respected and recognisable industry voice.

Members are often featured in BusinessGreen.

Membership is free, but subject to vetting by the editorial board.

To find out more please do contact us, we'd love to hear from you.